What college coaches look for (part 6)
A player’s character is crucial as this reaches far beyond the court. Remember, college coaches are not only looking for players to develop and compete with, they’re looking for young men/women to do business with. Coaches will not risk their job security on players who will not keep their commitments as student-athletes. Here are a few thoughts around character:
Work Ethic
This factor resonates with coaches and is a critical factor in helping the coach develop their trust that you will do the right things in a game. Here are some thought questions/comments that a coach may have on work ethic.
How do you currently approach making yourself better?
Are you personally curious to find out how good you actually can become as a player?
Are you a student of the game?
Do you watch game film? (of yourself and others)
Do you accept input from others?
Are you teachable?
What’s your personal pain tolerance?
Playing college sports has much to do with learning how to operate successfully in a strained environment. You must quickly get used to the fact that the game is faster and more demanding at the college level and above.
What are your personal fears with college sports and campus life? What are you doing to conquer these fears?
What sacrifices are you willing to make in order to improve?
Sacrificing other sports and recreational opportunities if necessary.
Sacrifice your own comfort level for the sake of improving your personal game and to play basketball with integrity.
Consistency is the mark of a good performer
Are you a dependable and consistent basketball player?
Can the coach consistently count on you to execute the game plan?
Can your teammates consistently trust you while on the court?
How do you approach improving your consistency?
Do you get input on how to improve?
Do you practice the fine points and details until it’s second nature?